Kutadgu Bilig from a Pragmatics Perspective

By NeKitap
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Kutadgu Bilig from Pragmatics Perspective, Imprint Information

The second page of the book "Kutadgu Bilig from the Perspective of Pragmatics" written by Özen Yaylagül Üstünel, original, with banded and first edition is as follows:

  • ISBN: 978-975-17-454-84
  • Original Title: Edim Bilimi Açısından Kutadgu Bilig
  • Author: Özen Yaylagül Üstünel
  • Edition: First Edition, August 2020, Ankara
  • Dimensions: 16,0 x 24,0 cm
  • Number of pages, 288 pages
  • Language: Turkish
  • Publisher: Türk Dil Kurumu
  • Bandrol: Yes
  • Condition: 10/10 (new)

About Kutadgu Bilig from a Pragmatics Perspective

Kutadgu Bilig is one of the first Islamic texts written in the Karahanlı area in the 11th century, in verse, in mesnevi verse form. Kutadgu Bilig gives important clues about the social life and world of thought of Turks who have entered a new religious and cultural environment. Due to the importance of the work, many studies have been carried out on the work until today. It is possible to categorize them in two groups: text publications and monographic works. Among the text publications, the most notable studies were made by Reşid Rahmeti Arat and Robert Dankoff. Monographic works can be classified as grammatical books, theses, and articles. Most of these are written to explain some of the word or form units in the work. There are also methodological studies, text linguistic studies, syntax and semantics studies on the work. However, no pragmatic review has been conducted on Kutadgu Bilig to date. However, Kutadgu Bilig is a very suitable text for such a study with the discourses it contains. Such a study was undertaken considering that the pragmatic examination of these discourses in the text will provide us with important information about the period in which the work was written and the Turkish lifestyle and thought system in this period. (From the Introduction section)

Subject and Method

The text that forms the subject of "Kutadgu Bilig from the Perspective of Pragmatics", XI. Kutadgu Bilig is one of the first Islamic texts written in Hakaniye Turkish in the 16th century. The method of the study is based on historical pragmatics. The research methods of historical pragmatics are based on the application and adoption of current theories in the study of language from an early period in the history of language. The linguistic forces that are effective today are considered to have been effective in the past. There are two main areas of study in historical pragmatics: pragmaphilology and backtime pragmatics. From the point of view of pragmatics, whether literary or not, texts are seen as communication phenomena on their own level. Sequential pragmatics compares two or more stages of the same language and focuses on language change. Pragmaphilology focuses on pragmatic aspects of historical texts in sociocultural contexts and makes simultaneous descriptions. In other words, pragmaphilological studies are works that involve today's rereadings of works written in the past. Sequential pragmatics, on the other hand, compares two or more stages of the same language and focuses on language changes. Pragmatics focuses on the contexts of language usage. While pragmatics has a broader field of study, including verbal communication, historical pragmatics studies are limited to written texts. Historical pragmatics focuses on language usage in past contexts and tries to determine how meaning is constructed. It is an experimental branch of linguistic study as it focuses on authentic language used in the past. Traugott emphasizes that studies require a broad perspective, as pragmaphilology focuses on changing social conditions. In sequential pragmatics, on the other hand, a narrower perspective may be sufficient, as the focus is on the intersection between language usage and structure. The present study is based on pragmaphilology, a branch of historical pragmatics. Pragmaphilology deals with contextual aspects of historical texts. Special contexts; that is, it places emphasis on linguistic, textual, social and institutional contexts. Historical pragmatics focuses on core pragmatic features. These; inference, implications, presuppositions, communication rules (maxims), principles that help them, courtesy and speech acts.


A pragmatic review takes into account the discourses and the place and time in which these discourses were created, and those who participated in the discourse. For this reason, it is important that a historical text to be analyzed from the perspective of pragmatics has discourses that reveal place, time and people. Kutadgu Bilig is a suitable text for pragmatic analysis by knowing the writing environment and the reason for it, the presence of discourses in the text, the identification of the people who participate in the discourse, and the determination of the place and time of the discourse to a great extent. The lack of a comprehensive study on the historical pragmatics of the Turkish language has made such a study necessary. Pragmaphilology works simultaneously on the pragmatic aspects of historical texts in their sociocultural context. In this direction, re-reading and interpretations of medieval texts such as Shakespeare's works in the West were made. However, such studies have not been conducted in our country yet. In this respect, this study on Kutadgu Bilig aims to fill an important gap. The aim is to establish the diplomatic structure, its functions in the real world and determine the traditions of the text type. One of the main works is to try to explore the factors adopted by writer Yusuf Has Hacib in order to choose a specific form of speech in a particular environment. “What are the functions created by the form in the work, with the appropriate form? What types of formats are preferred for different contextual purposes? " Answers to such questions were sought. These can be derived from both in-text evidence and from the socially institutionalized function of the text genre. Three activities have been tried to be determined: the activity of the author and the in-text addressers or narrators, the readers or those addressed at the time when the text was written, in other words, the activity of the interpreter, and finally the activity of those who read and interpret the text today. Texts are produced, reproduced and read. The first step of "Kutadgu Bilig from Pragmatics Perspective" is pragmaphilology. At this stage, it was associated with other historical texts written in the same environment. The aim is to establish the reading traditions of the diplomatic structure, real world functions and the type of text that constitutes the corpus. Evidence for the context of the situation has been obtained from both text and non-text studies.

The second step of the review is to identify the dominant situations in each of the sections of the text under study and the types of speech events presented. Initiation, judgment records, judicial referential records, decision and final protocols. In Kutadgu Bilig, the text progresses largely within the framework of questions and answers. Traditions have rational foundations and are mutually accepted models for organizing mutual activities in a group. Traditions serve as contextualizing marks for the interpreter. That is, authors rely on their experience as interpreters. They choose a format in which they are more effective. What purposes did Yusuf Has Hacip serve in creating the text, determining the type of text, and editing it? What are the in-text purposes of the fictional characters of the text related to this purpose? How did the text reader perceive the text? To what extent did the audience members among the fictional figures understand and interpret those in the addressing positions? The aim of this study is to seek answers to these and similar questions. In the first part of the study, the context of the situation is given. In this section, the cultural and literary context in which the text is produced has been determined and the writing purposes of the text have been determined. It is also among the aims of this section to prepare the reader for the text by providing preliminary information for better understanding of the text. In the second part, the discourses in Kutadgu Bilig are discussed in terms of pragmatic power, and the extent to which the discourse persons obey the pragmatic principles such as the principles of cooperation, quality, quantity, irony, form, and clarity are emphasized. Expressive purposes and functions, intentions, reliability and acceptability in Kutadgu Bilig are also among the topics of this section. It is thought that it is more appropriate to devote a separate section to the principle of courtesy, which is mentioned in this section whenever necessary, and in section 3, the issue of kindness is discussed in detail. Because the Kutadgu Bilig text is full of signs of kindness. In this section, expressions of dignity, the concept of "face" and the use of address are also included, which are also related to courtesy. In Chapter 4, the acts of speech, especially the acts of vowel, are emphasized. It has been tried to examine the verbal acts in the text of Kutadgu Bilig in terms of linguistic and sociocultural contexts and to determine the actuals. Modal types constituted the subject of the 5th section. In this section, while dealing with the witness-based modality in Kutadgu Bilig, the main narrators and the witnesses that they temporarily turn over to the narrator are also mentioned. In addition to the intertwined modal structures in discourse transfer structures, the ways and purposes in which the discourses of others are conveyed are also discussed. In the 6th chapter, the use of figurative language is given. In this section, the use of descriptive language such as metaphor, name transfer, rhetorical questions, synonyms in Kutadgu Bilig has been emphasized and it has been tried to determine what they mean. Chapter 7 is devoted to the subject of representation (deixis), which is an important pragmatic phenomenon in language. Deictic expressions; They are linguistic units that reveal certain details such as the participants of the communication context or the place and time related to the context. Pragmatics places emphasis on contextual meaning, and the context of representation is also needed for interpretation. For this reason, it has been deemed necessary to mention some time and space representations used depending on the point of reference in Kutadgu Bilig and some prototype examples of representation expressions in this section; personal pronouns, adverbs of place, adverbs of time, showing adjectives, adverbs and pronouns are included. (From the introduction section)

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